Tuesday, June 16, 2020


SUNDOWN NURSING HOME SWOT AND TOWS ANALYSIS (Essay Sample) Content: SUNDOWN NURSING HOME SWOT AND TOWS ANALYSIS Student name Professor Institution Course Date Introduction Sundown is an organization with a mission to make the senior communities living within its walls to feel at home by creating a safe and loving atmosphere that they can call home. To achieve this mission, the staff at Sundown are encouraged to be understanding, trustworthy and kind in a bid to enable them to earn the trust of their clients. The vision that guides Sundown towards succeeding in its mission is that they want to be a nursing home that meets all the needs of its customers by listening to all their voiced concerns. The report is about the SWOT and TOWS analysis that aided as analytical tools of both the internal and external environments of the company. The essence of the report is to enable the organization to identify areas that it can modify to enable it to adapt to the changing climate in the healthcare industries. A SWOT analysis is an essential planning tool that essentially breaks down the company into its strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. These four factors embody the two environments of the organization; the internal and external environment. A TOWS analysis is the same as the SWOT analysis because they are doing the same jobs. The only difference between them is the arrangement of the factors that make them so that TOWS is a reverse of SWOT analysis. Note that the arrangement is crucial because the order that the managers use to think about these factors accentuate the organizational environment that they prioritize. The essence of using the both of them is to show that both environments are being given equal attention to ensuring that all avenues to save the company are explored. The internal environment will be the first area to explore, and this encompasses the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. A strength of the organization is the reputation that the company has built over the years it has served the people. Since January 1, 1935, this non-profit organization has provided nursing and sheltering services to the people of Minnesota and various areas of the country. As a non-profit organization, it means that the charges for the services are good and affordable which makes it affordable to all the people in the country. How is this strength? A non-profit organization has various ways of getting its income and one way is requesting grants and finance from the general public. With evidence of the work it has done to help our societies, it is possible for the organization to secure funds to fund its revenue-earning income securing its future. Another strength that the organization possesses is the rating it received from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. It shows that the services that Sundown provides are reputable, respectable, and trustworthy. It may not be a five-star maybe because of funding problems. As a non-profit organization, it is much more intent on helping the society rather than making a profit. With the rating, it implies that the people of the US can trust the services it produces and this enables the organization to acquire clients to utilize their facilities. Otherwise, without clients, the organization will not have the need to exist. CMS has proven that there is adequate staff to keep the organization functioning properly and the proof for the same is the three-star rating that CMS awarded Sundown. The nurses are registered and who are licensed to practice their skill in saving lives (Wright et al, 2014). The fact that Sundown accepts Medicaid and Medicare for payment improves the strategic position that the company is in (Wright et al, 2014). It is a strength of the organization because it makes it even more affordable to the general public. The company receives funding from the government through the program which enables the organization run even more smoothly. On the side of weaknesses, the company experiences a few. First, the mere fact that the organization is a non-profit organization limits the source of cash flow for the organization. It cannot demand better payment for the services they offer. It is a weakness because even if the services are good, their facilities are prone to wear and tear which demands maintenance funds. The employees there need to be paid to keep them motivated to continue providing the services they provide. Not paying their employees or not paying them on time will demotivate them and at the same time reduce their productivity. Another weakness of the organization lies in the fact that it has taken too long to embrace change. It has been in existence for very many decades and yet it still is rated as a three-star hotel. With the experience that it has gathered over the years, the organization has been unable to strategize appropriately. Evidence of the same is that the company has a culture of having strategic meetings after a period of five years which is a very long time. Hence, the company has been unable to align itself with the changing healthcare climate. Another weakness that the organization faces is the rising strength of the unions within an organization. For any organization to be successful, it is mandatory that the objectives of management and the available employee unions be aligned. Because the company may have had financial issues, it may be possible that the workers are no longer satisfied with their working conditions. Thus, with growing grievances, the unions have more power to disrupt th e plans of management through forcing employees on strikes and pickets. When such events take place, the mission and vision of the company are taken a step back. The external environment entails the opportunities and threats of the organization. An opportunity that the company can seek to exploit is the trust of its clients that it has amassed over the years. The opportunity here is to involve the clients in bettering the organization and the services service it offers. Among the fund sources of non-profit organization are charities and grants. Therefore, the organization can have a strategic planning committee to come up with a proposal for ideas that can better the services that the organization offers. For instance, they can design a business idea that the organization can invest in so that the organization can raise its funds to settle its internal squabbles and better the services. Once that is done, the idea can be publicized, and the organization can request the public to help fund the project. Another opportunity that the organization has is the variety of services that the organization provides. With a range of services, the company has the opportunity to privatize some that are most expensive to provide at a lesser fee. An example could be in the idea of building a hotel just like the neighboring new hospital is doing. Despite providing the medical services at a fair charge, the hotel can be for the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"special' who seek better pay. Thus, they will have to pay for these services which will earn the company extra cash-flow. Another opportunity that the organization can look to exploit is the fact that they are working hand in hand with the government. Therefore, by aligning their objectives, the government can provide direct support to the organization to achieve these objectives. For instance, through the Medicaid program, the organization can solicit funds. By allowing this, they get more and more clients who are in that program and thus require more funds fr om the government (Wright et al, 2014). A threat that the organization is the changing perspectives in the healthcare industry (Schulz et al, 2015). For instance, in the past, organizations prioritized volume over value while today it is the vice versa. People today are seeking quality healthcare rather than just healthcare, and if the organization does not change tactics by improving their services, they stand to lose out on potential clients. One other threat the organization faces is the advancement in technology, especia...

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